Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Thoughts

In a few days we will be celebrating a national holiday, Thanksgiving. A day of family,food, laughter, parades, and dishes. I enjoy Thanksgiving. One of my most memorable Thanksgivings was when our family spent a few days at the beach. We stayed at a military resort. We enjoyed each others company, went bike riding, walked along the beach and ate Thanksgiving dinner out.
It was wonderful. There were not a lot of people crowding the beaches or the restraunt and we almost had the whole resort to ourselves. Unfortionately, one of the kids got sick but we endured and we all had a great time.

I am thankful for many all my material and spiritual blessings--I have far more than I deserve.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treating Fun

This time of the year when the Ghost and Goblins appear is a fun time. This year was beautiful in Idaho. Last Sunday Byron and I bagged up all the leaves in the front yard, like we do every year, and placed some in Halloween bags to help decorate the front of our house.

We had two very special trick or treaters this year. Madi the Dog and Gabe the Lion. We think these two little tricksters are pretty special. One sad thing happened while they visited--Gabe the Lion took a nose dive into the driveway and ended up skinning his nose and upper lip. A hug and a kiss and he was on his way "door to door" as Gabe the Lion along with Madi the Dog.
Halloween in our neighborhood is a little different. Down the street is an elementary school where they hold "Trunk or Treat" each year and then a few of the children wonder on down our street door to door. What was neat to see this year was that all the children that came to our door were accompanied by one or both parents. I was a family time. Even some of the parents dressed up to escort their little ones. In my daughters neighborhood a couple dressed up as clowns drove down their street in a ATV and delivered candy bars to all the neighborhood kids.
A lot of the local churches had Halloween Parties this week, which families played games and ate together.
Well I have started my holiday shopping and feel good so far that I have gotten everything at sale prices. Let's hope it continues that way. Of cource I don't know what to get everyone but it will come.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Family and the Seasons.

Today as I try to write my own history I am reminded of how important family is.(Who knows how many times I have started to do this and never quiet get it done-I have a goal this time.) I remember doing a lot of things with my family when I was younger. Not just my parents, brothers, and sister but my extended family. I miss those times. There is extended family that I have never met and that is sad.

I don't feel like I know my own children's families very well either. Of cource it has something to do with all of us living in different parts of the world but we don't communicate enough. I am partly to blame--for I don't write them much or call them often. I do love them and I hope that they all know that.

It is October 12th and we have recieved our first snow storm of the season. We usually get a little snow in October so it is nothing new but it seems rather early. I love the change of seasons and I think my favorite season is winter although I love them all. What isn't to love--each season in Idaho is so different and it brings with it new colors.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Granny Great Howell Visits Sept., 2008

Granny Great visited us in September along with Jennifer. We went camping in Island Park and Granny took a short spin around the lot on the 4-Wheeler and then she and Jennifer took a short drive through the developement.

We visited Yellowstone National Park one day--it was rather a cold rainy day but it was a nice drive. We drove around the Lake and then out for lunch in West Yellowstone.

On our way home we took an alternate route past Upper and Lower Messa Falls. This is a picture of Granny at Upper Messa Falls and then Jennifer and Byron taking the dogs for a walk just before we leave for our final leg home. It was a beautiful Fall day, and none of us wanted to return home.

This first week of October has been a busy one. We returned to Island Park on Sunday and came home with the trailer on Tuesday. It was getting too cold to be leaving it up in the mountains and with the chance of snow any day we desided to call it a year. I then went to a Social Studies conference in Boise for two days.

The Boise Social Studies conference was interesting but not my favorite conference especially to be doing on my own time and two week break. I enjoyed seeing my teaching friends who I traveled to Boise with--we presented our trip to a group-to encourage them to apply for the oppertunity. My favorite speech at the conference was "Sex in the City" It was all about the social norms of the early 19th century concerning women. It was a good paper. I also got some ideas to use in the classroom from some other classes I attended.--All in all it wasn't a total wash.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's Been Too Long

It's been too long since I last blogged so today I was determined. My problem has been I couldn't remember how to do this. So I had to work my way through, a new password and the whole bit.

Yesterday was my 37th Wedding Anniversary. My husband sent me flowers. We didn't do anything really special except to be together. He's is really a special individual. He thinks of all kinds of things that he knows will touch my heart. He's a great father and a wonderful grandfather. It is fun to watch him with his grandchildren--when our own children were growing up he was great but didn't have much time to spend with them and enjoy them because of his career. Times have not always been good for our relationship but we have worked the problems through and today I love him more than yesterday.

My children believe I can't remember birthdays, anniversaries and such--they are wrong--I remember them but not at the right time sometimes. A weekness I have--besides I love celebrating everyday those kinds of things.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Let's add a photo.

This is a wild geranium found at our lot in Island Park.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Another Day

Another Day. I never stop to realize what a blessing each day is until I am reminded of it by some tradegy. That is such a shame, because when the day is done I am really greatful for what has transpired that day good or bad. It is all experiences that make me who I am. I love each an every new day.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I Did Remember

It has been so long since I posted that I didn't know if I would remember my password-as you see I did.

I've been busy beginning a new year of teaching. I enjoy my job, but every year I stress out when school is about to begin. I have the teacher nightmares--kids running away, me strangling some student for an action that was unexceptable to me, going to school without any cloths on, forgetting to set the alarm--that one may have some trueth to it. Needless to say I don't sleep well the first few weeks before school. Once school begins and I have a chance to meet my students--the nightmares are gone. The tiredness comes from the emotioan work load of teaching and keeping everyone happy. It takes me about a month before I begin to feel rested after a nights sleep.

My dear sweet husband has been busy clearing trees off lot. I have helped some but he has done most of the work. We have the septic system almost totally in. That was a goal we had for the summer but had hoped to have it completed by the first of July. Only a little behind schedule.

My next goal in this blogging is to make my page a little more attractive. For that I will have to enlist my daughters help.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Idaho Spud

When I was a young girl I loved visiting my grandparents who lived just outside of Firth, Idaho. Grandma and Grandpa enjoyed an occasional evening out. Once when I was staying with them they promised me a treat if I would stay home while they went out. Of cource I chose my favorite candy bar at the time--Almand Joy. To my surprise grandmother brought me back an Idaho Spud bar. I was happy for the surprise, but displeased it wasn't an Almand Joy. Grandmother explained that there hadn't been any Almand Joys to purchase and she thought that I might like this candy bar instead--afterall it had coconut in it. I must say it turned out to be a sweet experience. I have loved them ever since.

You know you can't buy this candy bar just anywhere in the world. You find them mostly in Idaho--surprise, surprise--and in some of the surrounding states. Over the years I have found them to be good Christmas presents for family who live out of state--if they like them of cource.

There is a certain way I enjoy eating an Idaho Spud bar--kind of like when one eats and Oreo cookie. I like my bars cold, that way the chocolate outside comes away from the marshmellowie inside very easily. Once most of the chocalate outside is gone I then eat the marshmellow inside.
I do this when I really want to savor the experience of eating the bar.

I thank my grandmother and grandfather for introducing me to one of my favorite candy bars, the Idaho Spud Bar.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A New Era

This is a new era for me--blogging. I felt kind of out of it so I thought if I want to get with it I might as well give it a try. It will take me awhile to learn how to do all this and if I remember I might get my daughter to help tudar me in putting together a blog--she is getting pretty good at it.(My opinion) A number of my young friends and people I work with blog so I was beginning to feel out of the loop. Now I can say I am trying to the loop.