Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treating Fun

This time of the year when the Ghost and Goblins appear is a fun time. This year was beautiful in Idaho. Last Sunday Byron and I bagged up all the leaves in the front yard, like we do every year, and placed some in Halloween bags to help decorate the front of our house.

We had two very special trick or treaters this year. Madi the Dog and Gabe the Lion. We think these two little tricksters are pretty special. One sad thing happened while they visited--Gabe the Lion took a nose dive into the driveway and ended up skinning his nose and upper lip. A hug and a kiss and he was on his way "door to door" as Gabe the Lion along with Madi the Dog.
Halloween in our neighborhood is a little different. Down the street is an elementary school where they hold "Trunk or Treat" each year and then a few of the children wonder on down our street door to door. What was neat to see this year was that all the children that came to our door were accompanied by one or both parents. I was a family time. Even some of the parents dressed up to escort their little ones. In my daughters neighborhood a couple dressed up as clowns drove down their street in a ATV and delivered candy bars to all the neighborhood kids.
A lot of the local churches had Halloween Parties this week, which families played games and ate together.
Well I have started my holiday shopping and feel good so far that I have gotten everything at sale prices. Let's hope it continues that way. Of cource I don't know what to get everyone but it will come.

1 comment:

Lettie said...

I must say - those kids are pretty darn cute