Sunday, June 6, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away, Come Again Another Day

I love the rain. When I was a child I remember one spring day dancing around in the front yard singing "Rain, Rain, Go Away, Come Again Another Day" as the spring rain drops fell all around me. I played for what seemed like hours that day in the rain. When I finally went in I was soaking wet, chilled to the bone and happy as a lark.

I love the rain. This past week we took our camp trailer up to Island Park to put it on our lot. It had been raining and we knew things would be too wet to put it on the usual spot but we backed it up into what we thought would be a dry enough area to park. Needless to say, the camp trailer is there to stay until we can put it in it's usual spot for it will take some creative work to get it out from where it is parked. Even though, sleeping in the trailer as the rain falls on top of the metal roof is a relaxing sound. The fresh clean air as you open the door in the morning is refreshing and revitalizing.

I love the rain. The beautiful green of the plants and the vibrant colors of the flowers when there has been a lot of rain in heaven sent. My garden grows better when nature produces alot of fresh water from the sky. The grass is greener and seems thicker when there has been a lot of rain.

I love the rain. All in All, I will be glad for a few days of sunshine. Then it can rain again to bring the freshness to the air, give the plants a lovely watering and freshen the thickened grass.

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